User Experience + Product Designer

Creative Mornings

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All the photos in this template are taken by the talented photographer Akos Major.

Creative Mornings

36 in x 50 in

18 in x 24 in

11 in x 17 in

The complete set with size comparisons, including two digital banner ads. 

The goal of this project was to create a series of posters for Creative Mornings events across the globe. The speech bubble shape was used to reference the Creative Mornings brand, as well as to relate to the viewer that the poster is advertising a morning talk / discussion. I used the gradient and the bright colors to illicit a 'morning' feel, as more as a quiet and friendly demeanor to the posters. The challenge was to make the content work at varying poster sizes and dimensions, and I accomplished this by playing with space and composition, as well as using the bold pop of color at the bottom of the gradient to balance out the occasional heaviness of the speech bubble.

Creative Mornings is a monthly breakfast lecture series, and more info can be found here!