E-positive was the result of a three week project based around researching the wicked problem of electronic waste. The process began with reading articles, watching documentaries and collecting data to begin to understand the scope of the problem and who the main stakeholders were. From here, to create a more comprehensive picture and find relationships in the data, I broke down the information into various cycles, diagrams and charts.
As with most wicked problems, there were many stakeholders to address, so I made the decision to narrow the scope to the audience I had the most access to in such a limited amount of time: millennials and those working in tech-based companies, who are among the top consumers of the new, up-to-date electronics. To best get the attention of this audience, I built a mock website with the intention of informing and educating. The website would be promoted in the packaging of new computers, as well as having a presence around social media.
The final deliverables included web pages (as well as all illustrations used on the web pages), an interactive mock up, and a presentation.
Visit the e-waste project blog to see more of my process.