User Experience + Product Designer

Rocky Road

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All the photos in this template are taken by the talented photographer Akos Major.

Rocky Road Life Coach App 

The 'road map' home screen unfolds as the user opens the app. The user can scroll through to see past issues that he or she has addressed, as well as input new goals, secondary information and the status of their accomplishments by tapping the desir…

The 'road map' home screen unfolds as the user opens the app. The user can scroll through to see past issues that he or she has addressed, as well as input new goals, secondary information and the status of their accomplishments by tapping the desired triangle. 

When the driver is ready to start the session, he or she only has to tap one very large section of the screen so as not to distract from driving tasks. This lets the life coach know that the client is on the go and ready to begin the session. 

When the driver is ready to start the session, he or she only has to tap one very large section of the screen so as not to distract from driving tasks. This lets the life coach know that the client is on the go and ready to begin the session. 

The life coach can read through and edit the client's information during the call, while still viewing the client and how much time is left in the session.

The life coach can read through and edit the client's information during the call, while still viewing the client and how much time is left in the session.

During the call, the life coach can view the client as he drives. This allows the life coach to facilitate conversation and to allow for pauses if the driver needs to concentrate on traffic and merging. It can also help the life coach get a better s…

During the call, the life coach can view the client as he drives. This allows the life coach to facilitate conversation and to allow for pauses if the driver needs to concentrate on traffic and merging. It can also help the life coach get a better sense of how the client feels about a particular topic.

We divided up the information we collected from interviews with commuters into different categories, to get a better sense of the secondary and tertiary levels of feedback provided by the user research. This helped us to determine the real issues at…

We divided up the information we collected from interviews with commuters into different categories, to get a better sense of the secondary and tertiary levels of feedback provided by the user research. This helped us to determine the real issues at hand and define the users' needs.

We organized the findings of our interviews to try to get a clearer picture of commuter's needs.

In order to drive our design decisions and to communicate our user's needs, we created a persona for our two main user groups: the life coaches and the commuters.

The goal of this project was to create an app aimed at commuters.

We began by interviewing a wide range of commuters (long commutes vs. short ones, public transportation vs. driving, young and old, etc.). We originally thought that our app may involve finding quicker routes with less traffic, but while sorting through our data from the interviews we realized that there was a general distrust of traffic reports and that people stuck to their routes most of the time. What we did find, however, was that people were happier during their commute when they felt like they were using their time productively. 

After brainstorming multiple products that could achieve this, we designed an app that would utilize the privacy of a car ride to help commuters connect to life coaches. This subscription service would let commuters use over-the-phone sessions with trained coaches to work through problems they felt they needed help with in a productive manner. 

We created personas to help drive UI / UX decisions, and also to help demonstrate the need and potential of our app for our final presentation.

This project was done in collaboration with Larissa Jantonio and Shannon Impellicceiri.